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Moxibustion is a Traditional

Chinese Medicine technique that

involves applying heat with burning

cones of dried leaves of Artemisia.

Mugwort or Artemisia vulgaris has

a long history of use in folk medicine.

It has emmenagogue properties and

increases blood circulation in the pelvic area

and uterus stimulating menstruation.

It has been used for thousands of years.

Its purpose is to strengthen the blood,

stimulates the flow of Qi and maintain

general health.


How does it work? Does it hurt?



                                                                                      There are different ways of applying


                                                                                  Scarring moxibustion; The moxa is  

                                                                                       placed on the point and ignited and  

                                                                                       allowed to burn out completely. This  

                                                                                       may produce blisters and scarring.



No scarring moxibustion: The moxa is also placed on the skin but removed before it burns completely. The patient experiences a pleasant feeling of heat and no pain at all. After the treatment will be no blisters or scars.


The most popular form of this treatment it is called indirect moxibustion.

A stick of moxa it is lighted and held close to the area being treated until the skin turns red. Also can be applied with acupuncture needles at the same time.


What is it used for?


Moxibustion is used on people who present a cold o stagnant condition. The heat from the moxa expels cold and warms the meridians allowing a good flow of blood and Qi.

One of the uses of moxa is to turn breech babies into a normal head-down position prior childbirth, also to reduce the symptoms of menstrual cramps when used with traditional acupuncture.


Is it safe?


It is a very safe treatment and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries.




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