Lymphatic Drainage
It is a massage technique developed in the early 30s by Emil Vodder.
We understand Lymphatic Drainage as the elimination of water from a zone where it has been accumulated, towards a drain system called lymphatic system.
How does it work?
Research keeps proving the
benefits of Lymphatic Drainage.
This type of massage improves
and activates the lymphatic
system through a series of
manoeuvres that promote
lymphatic flow inducing the
removal of waste substances.
In our body there is an entire tubular system (lymph vessels), that enable a relatively easy way out of the water retention that have accumulated in different parts of the body.
Often creams and oils are used not to irritate the skin. This is a good opportunity to add essential oils and combine the benefits of Massage and Aromatherapy.
What does it treat?
-Rheumatic disorders
- Acne
-Ageing process
- Because of its great relaxing effects it releases stress, exhaustion, insomnia,
anxiety, nervousness and hypertension
-Post operative and posttraumatic oedema
- Constipation
-Water retention in pregnancy
-Water retention in premenstrual syndrome
-Varicose veins
-Increases the blood flow in skin improving skin health.
-Improve circulation of fluids pumping nutrients into tissues.
-Boosts immunity by stimulating lymph flow.
-Releases endorphins; our natural painkillers reducing dependence in medication.
Does it hurt?
It is a very relaxing and soft
massage. Most of people
experience it as a very relaxing
and painless therapy.
Is it safe?
It is a very safe technique when
practiced by a trained and
qualified therapist. This
treatment does not involve
drugs or any kind of substances so we do not have to worry about adverse reactions or interactions with other medical treatments.
Although there are certain conditions that must be notified to the therapist before receiving the treatment and some conditions that require medical prescription or even supervision. This is why it is so important to do a very exhaustive clinical history in the first visit.
When not to have Lymphatic drainage?
Relative contraindications
In these cases the lymphatic drainage will be applied only under medical supervision.
-Bronchial asthma
-Oedema from heart failure
-Heart failure
-Carotid sinus syndrome.
-Problems of liver and kidney
Absolute contraindications (Lymphatic Drainage cannot be applied)
-Oedema due to malnutrition
-Acute infections
-Acute inflammations (gout, rheumatism, etc...)
-Neoplasms (cancer) ongoing
-Acute infections
-Phlebitis, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis in course
-Acute phase in autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc...)
-Nephritic colic
What can I expect on the first visit?
It is essential to elaborate a very exhaustive clinical history in order to elaborate a personalized therapeutic plan.
The first visit will take about 60 minutes and you will have your first treatment done.
The benefits of frequent visits
Having a Lymphatic Drainage frequently can achieve all this benefits and help you keep the results in order to keep your health and wellness.
It is very important to establish a treatment schedule with your therapist to meet your needs.